Thursday, November 15, 2007

Post 8


Post 7

The ASSURE Model: to Analyze learners; State objectives; Select instructional methods, media, and materials; Utilize media and materials; Require learner participation; Evaluate and revise. It's an instructional system design for teachers to use in their classrooms. The ISD is something that teachers can benefit from by helping them build their lesson plans as well as the integration of media learning within the classroom.

Since class we played catch up and also worked on power points. I'm already familiar with power points so it just refreshed my memory. I did learn about the "Master Slide" and how by designing that one slide it saves me the trouble of designing every slide after it. This was very helpful! I also became more familiar with the "transition" format between slides, this can be very confusing! It seems so much simple when you go through slides, but when you are actually creating the power point it's very tedious!

I plan to use power points in my teaching career because I believe it's a new way of educating children. I think that they will get bored doing the same thing everyday, so by adding power points it mixes it up a bit. Obviously we have to be aware of what we put on the power points because some children are easily stimulated and this can become distracting.

Post 6

Digital Media is a pretty interesting thing. The book mentioned the new "digital age". It's funny because I remember thinking when was younger and imagining that in the future we would be like the Jetson's. Well digital media has definatly advanced, but I wouldn't consider us the Jetson's just yet. A a future educator I plan to use power points and create web pages for the parents. Although I will be teaching second grade, I think that the use of power point is way more exciting than just using a chalk board. As a teacher for elementary school students we have to remember that we are almost seen as entertainers. Thinking of different ways to teach the children and keepingthem captivated enough to learn the material. This is why I think CBT (Computer Based Training) is an interesting new way of learning for children.

This the last class I learned about to create web pages. I think this is very useful because it becomes more accessible to parents. They don't have to worry if Johnny lost the news letter on the way home. Although I must say that I did have some difficulties creating the page, I did find it very useful.

Extra Stuff: I hope technology can become a bit more simplified because I am definately not a computer person!

*God Bless*