Saturday, September 15, 2007

Blog 2

The websites that I found was one called "The Lesson Plan Page", I found this site to be very useful for teachers especially beginning teachers. This website provides new idea and activities teachers can do with their students. It has over 1000 FREE lesson plans in several subject areas that teachers can incorporate in their classroom. Not only does this website provides lesson plans, but teacher inspirational stories as well as ideas for school fundraisers. This website is a teacher's best friend!! Another website that I found interesting and useful was "Lessons Using Technology". This website is good for students to research and look for info for school projects. It puts a twist on research and it keeps students entertainted.

For the newsletter, I usually do it on MicrosofT Publisher, so since I did it on Microsoft Word it took a bit longer. Publisher has the templates already set up for newsletters so all you have to do it fill in the text boxes. On Microsoft Word it took a bit longer to format, but all in all it got the job done.

Kidspiration is a cool site for students. This site is great for visual learners like myself. It combines pictures, texts, and audio for the "organization of ideas". This site is a great tool to use inside and outside of class. I would incorporate this website in my future classroom.

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